Part time or flexible hourly job gives great support to persons who are unable to dedicate whole time of their day on job. Part time job seekers may be mostly students, householders (or housewives) who are engaged with other responsibilities. Or such persons there are project basis jobs, flexible hourly jobs, get paid per hour jobs all around in Bangalore.
Not only in US, but in Bangalore the part time jobs is blooming with lot of students, housewives & retired people spending their little time to earn extra income.
This post concentrates on Part time jobs in Bangalore. In this post, I have tried to list the major sites which give information on part time jobs in Bangalore, sites on employment for part time, student jobs in Bangalore, project basis jobs in Bangalore, flexible hourly jobs Bangalore, hourly paid Bangalore jobs, hourly basis jobs, work from home jobs in Bangalore, get paid per hour jobs, consultant jobs, tips to find part time jobs as well as the evening jobs, 2 hours jobs in Bangalore, online jobs in Bangalore, internet marketing jobs, part time sales jobs, Bangalore retailing jobs part time, part time data entry jobs in Bangalore, part time coding jobs, outsourcing jobs, customer care part time jobs, hourly promotional jobs and part time short term employment in Bangalore.
Bangalore is India’s prime city with new generation jobs and careers. Among these career opportunities, part time and freelancing jobs are gaining importance. Among the Bangalore youngsters there are students with technical background, who are capable to give good feeds to offshore technical projects and customer support services. These students and researchers, housewives, teachers, employees in various companies who can enjoy liberal leisure timings, etc. look for earnings through part time and freelance jobs. Bharat contract jobs is here to help all those who look for part time jobs, contracting jobs, hourly paid jobs, flexible timing jobs, data entry jobs, jobs for tech freshers, jobs for computer engineering graduates and experienced freelance programmers. Such jobs are available in technologies and databases such as Java, ASP.Net, C++, Oracle, SAP, SQL Server, etc.
This site lists part time jobs for students. It also helps students to learn more about student jobs. The site provides top tips on finding and successfully doing student part time jobs.
Network Bangalore
Juniper is a networking site that revolutionizes information exchange. Juniper's network members offer part time job options in Bangalore in various categories.
Part Time Job Classifieds
Sulekha is one of the biggest online community of India with millions of people network every day. The site provides information on almost every area of human life. Sulekha part time jobs & employment section provides part time assignments in your city.
Bangalore Part Time Job Ads
Kijiji Bangalore gives an opportunity to find part time employment ads in Bangalore for BPO part time jobs, Sales, Telemarketing, travel guide part time assignments, online marketing, telemarketing part time jobs, entertainment and other local jobs.